
The Age of Shame and Reason

The Age of Shame and Reason

Shame is the emotion that, as children, guided our moral compass and proved our maturation. When a less evolved classmate attempted to shame a member of your cohort, you found out which kids were made of real stuff by the group that stepped forward and used their voices to decimate the shamer. The act of shaming a person has only one mirror image: the act of kindness. Which side of that equation do you want to be on?

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It's Just Gold Foil

It's Just Gold Foil

This is the behavior of the person who’s been chosen to run this country. In the three months since he got hired, he’s attempted to stock his government with people who fundamentally don’t understand the jobs they’ve been chosen for. On Friday, people are going to have to accept that there’s no more conjecture to “what a President Trump White House looks like.” It will be a living, breathing reality. [PUBLISHED by Indivisible.]

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