I feel like the madness of today's world requires some weird acts of compassion. I'm hoping to create opportunities for folks to talk to each other about love, or music, or anything positive. So I’ve made these little “Groove Is In The Heart” lapel pins, with magnetic backings.
I don't know about you, but I need more of that in my life; I need more creativity in my life, and more compassion, as well. Also, who doesn’t like getting something free and useful in the mail? Plus, I send along other goodies as well ;)
REQUESTS FROM KIDS: I’ve had a few kids ask me to send pins, and I love that kids are getting involved, but I need you to ask your parents to fill out this form. I know it’s lame, but I cannot take your name, contact info, address and email address if you aren’t over the age of 18.
INTERNATIONAL REQUESTS: International shipping can be very expensive, even for a tiny 1oz. pin. These will take longer for me to process and depending on international shipping options, we may have to discuss low-cost options.
A NOTE ABOUT SECURITY: I know it’s weird to send your address to a complete stranger, but I promise I will only use it to mail you a pin and some goodies. That said, the internet is a complicated place, and while my site is secure, I cannot vouch for the security and integrity of the systems that will transmit your address to me. If you are worried about your online safety and security, please feel free to email me.